Matthias Quaritsch
Presidential Diamond, Founder Germany

Scent of the world Ltd.,
Agios Theodoros 44,
Kallepia-Paphos 8541
Phone: +49 (0)176 – 310 973 91
Matthias Quaritsch – vocation instead of profession
The question of meaning was waiting for an answer. And the answer came in the form of a small packet of essential oils.
Together with his wife Sabine, Matthias started Dufte Welt GmbH and from then on sold the best essential oils in the world – those of doTERRA. And in network marketing, at that. “doTERRA is Network Marketing for people who don’t really want to do Network Marketing,” says Matthias. Because doTERRA is fundamentally different. First come the people, then the products and then the business. With every bottle of oil you not only improve your own health, but also the lives of many farmers in developing countries, who get a much better perspective in life for themselves and their families.
“After about four years, we are standing on very solid ground and want to help others to achieve the same – to work self-determined, live a free life and be financially independent,” says Matthias. And to make the world a little bit better, step by step.