Sabine Quaritsch
Presidential Diamond, Founder Germany

Scent of the world Ltd.,
Agios Theodoros 44,
Kallepia-Paphos 8541
Phone: +49 (0)176 – 22329298
Sabine Quaritsch
In April 2016 Sabine started sharing the oils with her husband Matthias.
She has been Presidential Diamond since 2019. With contagious passion Sabine works to make our world a better world, the way we want it to be.
Sabine wants to encourage people to take their hearts in their hands, to take risks, to dare something new and to live to their full potential. And above all, she wants to help as many women as possible to become financially independent.
Sabine and Matthias are originally from Germany, have two grown-up children and now live on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus.